Power To The Commune (A2 Poster)


A2 (594 x 420 mm) Print on Blueback Paper (115gsm)

Poster by ADG member Rory Robertson-Shaw

"The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense went about taking charge of the management of Black neighborhoods. With their school breakfasts, bakeries, and other grassroots community organizations, the Panthers, for all intents and purposes, as former Panther Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin suggests, turned their communities and neighborhoods into dual-power communes. Both in Nantes and in Oakland, revolution was anchored in everyday life. Ideological purity mattered less than a transformation at the level of daily rhythms, everyday needs and pleasures. By taking collective responsibility for meeting people’s daily needs, by reclaiming the everyday by and through political struggle, they were making revolution on a scale that people could recognize.”
-Kristin Ross

“Spontaneous self-organisation of popular life, for centuries paralysed and absorbed by the omnipotent power of the state, would revert to the communes" 

"Hence the confederation of communes — the Commune of communes — is reworked economically as well as politically into a shared universe of publically managed resources." 
-Murray Bookchin

"For both Marx and Kropotkin, revolution is indistinguishable from the direct democracy of the commune form, and that democracy is an uprising in excess of the political forms currently in place. This is what Marx meant when he referred to the Paris Commune as “a thoroughly expansive political form.” The commune form, for both Marx and Kropotkin, is at once the context and content of the revolution, or, in Kropotkin’s words, “the necessary setting for revolution and the means of bringing it about."
-Kristin Ross

"Commune, a network of community organizations and institutions, assumes its greatest importance. We will build a socio-political infrastructure to intervene in every area of Black life: food and housing cooperatives, Black Liberation schools, people’s banks and community mutual aid funds, medical clinics and hospitals, rodent control and pest extermination programs, cooperative factories, community cultural and entertainment centers, the establishment of an intercommunal electronic communications network, land and building reclamation projects, public works brigades to rebuild the cities, youth projects, drug clinics, and many other such programs."
-Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin 

This idea belongs on our streets. Buying a poster will allow us to further our work of sending posters and stickers out to people for free to put into the street. So far we have sent out 170,000 stickers and posters.

To keep postage costs down, posters will be posted Royal Mail Second Class.

PLEASE NOTE: WE CAN CURRENTLY ONLY PROCESS ORDERS FROM WITHIN THE UK / DOMESTIC SHIPPING. We unfortunately don't have capacity to be processing international orders, we hope to change this soon!