Organised Communities Win (A2 Poster)
A2 (594 x 420 mm) Print on Blueback Paper (115gsm)
Poster by ADG member Celeste John-Wood
Strangers, neighbours, all come in - organised communities win! Landlordism puts us in a culture of scarcity, but there is strength in our numbers. And when capitalist systems fail us, who can we turn to but each other? We start by talking to our neighbours and connecting to our community with mutual aid. We exist and resist, together.
This idea belongs on our streets. Buying a poster will allow us to further our work of sending posters and stickers out to people for free to put into the street. So far we have sent out 170,000 stickers and posters.
To keep postage costs down, posters will be posted Royal Mail Second Class.
PLEASE NOTE: WE CAN CURRENTLY ONLY PROCESS ORDERS FROM WITHIN THE UK / DOMESTIC SHIPPING. We unfortunately don't have capacity to be processing international orders, we hope to change this soon!